Vulva Piercings Icon

Genital piercings are unique because there is potential to directly affect your sexual pleasure. A poorly placed piercing can result in a missed opportunity for enhancement. Worse, a negative experience could cause you to suffer unnecessary pain, and a loss of sensation, either temporary or permanent. There are many nerve endings in small structures in this region so it is not an area with which to take risks.

Unfortunately, many piercers have NO specific training in genital piercings whatsoever! As an expert on the subject, and one who offers piercing problem consultations, I have bad news: a large percentage of genital piercings I see are improperly placed, often dangerously so. 

Because of variations in anatomy and personal preferences for sexual stimulation, each piercee must be evaluated (and even counseled) on an individual basis before deciding on a genital piercing. Page through my blog posts to read about one bad genital piercing after another. It will scare you—and it should, so you will educate yourself to make sure you get a safe, successful piercing.

Note also that there is a great deal of confusion about the terminology. The vague terms "genital piercing" and "vaginal piercing" don't really say anything about a specific location for jewelry. More accurately, they should be called "vulva piercings." 

Some piercees confuse "clit piercings" with clitoral hood piercings, which are very different! Unfortunately, a shocking number of piercers do too!!! One variety of hood piercing is expected to provide added stimulation, and another type is usually just ornamental. Three primary hood piercings are done: VCH, HCH, and triangle piercings. All of these and more are addressed below, as is the rare clitoris piercing.

There's a lot to know, so do your homework!

  • VCH Piercing

    The Vertical Clitoral Hood (VCH) is by far the most popular vulva piercing for several reasons. As the name describes, the piercing is placed in the same direction that those genitals are formed, so the jewelry rests between the legs without stress or irritation.

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  • Triangle Piercing

    The triangle piercing is a modern innovation, first performed in the early 1990s. The piercer who invented it left the industry shortly thereafter, and I took over perfecting and popularizing this amazing, functional piercing.

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  • Q-Tip Test for VCH

    This information relates to the Vertical Clitoral Hood (VCH) piercing. If you can fit the end of an ordinary cotton swab underneath your hood then it has sufficient depth for a VCH piercing. 

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  • Princess Diana Piercing

    Princess Diana (or simply Diana) piercings are identical to vertical clitoral hood (VCH) piercings, except that they are located off to the side(s) of the hood instead of being placed in the center.

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  • Princess Albertina

    The Princess Albertina is a piercing of the female urethra (so named for the Prince Albert, a piercing that traverses the male urethra, which is considerably more accessible).

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  • Outer Labia Piercing

    These piercings are worn on the sides of the vulva in the thick, fleshy folds of tissue where hair grows. Labia mean “lips” in Latin; the awkward singular form of the word is labium. Outer labia piercings are often done in pairs, with one on each side, or in multiples, to form a ladder.

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  • Inner Labia Piercing

    The inner labia (labia minora) are the delicate, hairless folds of flesh situated between the outer labia (labia majora). This tissue is nearly identical to that of the clitoral hood; it is quick and easy to heal. Some labia are not large enough to pierce or have only one side that is suited. A single ring on either side is popular, or they can be pierced in pairs or multiples. 

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  • HCH Piercing

    The HCH piercing traverses a pinch of hood tissue above the clitoris, which many find aesthetically appealing. Unfortunately, because of the way most vulvas are configured, the HCH won’t be able to deliver the added sensation the majority of piercees desire. If you’re among those seeking genital piercing to enhance your erotic pleasure physically, a different placement may be more worthwhile.

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  • Fourchette Piercing

    The mellifluous anatomical term for the site of this piercing is the frenulum labiorum pudenda, also known as the fourchette (French for “little fork”). This piercing is located in the perineum, similar to the guiche piercing in a male.

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  • Clitoris Piercing

    clitoris piercing, also called a clitoral glans piercing or "clit piercing" is rare. Piercing of this sensitive anatomy that rests beneath the clitoral hood is serious business.

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  • Christina Piercing

    Though I specialize in erotic piercings, I don't actually do Christinas as I don't consider them to be genital piercings. The Christina is really a surface piercing. It is placed vertically at the top of the cleft of Venus (top of the vulva), optimally extending up the mons pubis (soft mound of flesh just above the genitals).

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  • Anatomy Consult Photos

    With the help of specific photos, I can check (at a distance) to determine which piercings suit your unique anatomy.

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