The Princess Albertina is a piercing of the female urethra (so named for the Prince Albert, a piercing that traverses the male urethra, which is considerably more accessible).
Photo and text courtesy of James Weber, Infinite Body Piercing formerly of Philadelphia and now at is branch in Baltimore. He is the pioneer of this placement. If you’re interested in having this piercing done at Infinite, please check ahead of time to ensure there is a piercer scheduled who has experience with this particular piercing.
I also offer Princess Albertina piercings to those who are anatomically suited.
General Information
Once a subject of debate in the piercing community, the Princess Albertina is becoming more popular as more people discover the joys of urethral stimulation.
This is the vulval counterpart to the Prince Albert. With this piercing, the ring enters the urethra and exits through the bottom, about 3/8″ back from the urethral meatus and rests in the opening of the vaginal canal. Because it sits nestled deep in between the inner labia, it doesn’t interfere with any other vulva piercings.
With the positioning of the jewelry, vaginal penetration puts pressure on the ring and causes it to rotate in the piercing, stimulating nerves in the urethra. Those who get them find them exceedingly arousing—often in a way they often cannot verbalize. The pain of the piercing is minimal and the orgasmic dividend can be exceptional.

Jewelry is usually either a 10 gauge or 8 gauge captive bead ring with a small enough diameter to be unobtrusive during vaginal penetration. The piercing does stretch easily once healed, so it’s not uncommon to see 6 gauge or even larger jewelry in this piercing. Inserting thicker jewelry makes for a stronger piercing and can also increase stimulation to the wearer.
The recessed placement makes this a tricky piercing to perform, and its rarity makes it difficult to find a piercer with prior experience. If you haven’t yet experimented with urethral stimulation and play, you may want to learn about it and it is advisable to try it out before deciding on this particular piercing. It is very stimulating to this area, and if you're not accustomed to the sensations, you may not find them pleasurable.
I had the opportunity to observe and assist James Weber performing the procedure on several occasions at Infinite Body Piercing, which is how I learned. The process involved the use of forceps to secure the tissue, plus he used a receiving tube to safely "cap" the needle after it passed through the tissue. I undertook the job of "labia assistant" and held the labia open to make the tissue more accessible as James performed the piercing on a client with an especially recessed urethra.
Since then, I have done a number of Princess Albertina piercings, and feel comfortable performing them on suitable (accessible) anatomy. All of my clients have remarked that it was an easy piercing to receive.
None of my clients have reported having a bladder infection during the initial healing period, and she had not. This is the feedback I received from my first Princess Albertina client less than three weeks after the appointment:
I drank A LOT of diluted cranberry juice the first 72 hours. That really really helped with the initial feeling of urinating with the piercing. The pain subsided within 24 hours. I happened to have a little portable squeeze bottle bidet that I use for camping to squirt water on the area while urinating. That so helped tremendously.It honestly feels all healed up! It moves around on its own. Swelling went down significantly. Feels like I’ve had it for years!!
Honestly Elayne, its magnificent. It looks great, it healed great, no problems whatsoever! It’s perfect! Your first Princess Albertina has been an absolute success!!! Thank you so much for this beautiful gem! Sandee
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Healing and Troubleshooting
Bleeding following a Princess Albertina is to be expected. This piercing is easy and quick to heal, but it is not too forgiving to those who “cheat” on their healing by having sex too early. As a rule, you must wait at least two weeks after getting this piercing before any sort of penetrative sex. (This is a departure from my usual post-piercing sexual activity guidelines, which involve listening to the body and being hygienic. See details in the section on sexual activities here.)
I'd heard that there was an increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTI) during healing, but this is not an issue once the piercing is healed. As stated, none of my piercees have reported this complication to me.
To prevent a UTI, drink lots of water during healing, along with cranberry juice or cranberry supplements. Additionally, there’s a UTI prevention product called Target by Uqora. It’s a lemonade flavored drink powder that is mixed with water and taken twice daily. Several of my clients speak highly of it.
As the piercing is flushed out constantly during urination, cleaning is minimal and consists of spraying with Briotech, or a gentle saline rinse several times a day. Soap for aftercare is far too harsh for this one.
One caveat: because the piercing isn't placed deeply into the tissue (only about 3/8" from the edge of the urethra), migration and rejection are risks. Both Jim and I have heard back from several clients that some of the piercings have rejected. Unfortunately, once this happens, repiercing is not possible. The good news is that it won't leave a very visible scar!