
I did a consultation today for a woman who went in for a Vertical Clitoral Hood (VCH) piercing and came out with her hood pierced to her clitoris. This piercer used forceps instead of a receiving tube, and clamped from on top of the hood to beneath the clitoral glans, all the way to the anterior commissure (the top of the vaginal opening). She said:

"3 weeks ago i went to get my vch piercing. My piercer used forceps for the piercing instead of the receiving tube as you recommended (i didnt think of reading your website then). When the needle went through, the pain was excruciating, tears flowed down my cheeks. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life. I had to take a good 15 mins of rest before i could get off the bed to walk again.

As i got home, the more i thought about it the more worried i got as i suspect that the sharp and throbbing pain was because she accidentally pierced my clit as well as my hood. I would like you to look at my piercing photos and tell me your honest opinion and the way going forward. I really don't wish to give up this piercing as I went through so much pain and agony during the piercing and during the healing phase.

Now, whenever i sit i have to be dainty as it can get uncomfortable whenever i sit and i tend to slouch as a result of this piercing. I also had to gently slide myself into a chair and it has made my daily movement a little awkward, but i do feel that the ach-y feeling is getting better as the piercing heals. Please help me as i am quite scared and I don't know who else to turn to. I hope there is no diminishing of my clit as it is extremely important to me as i used to get orgasms through clit stimulation only. I really hope you can give me your opinion and advice on my piercing. Thank you." 


My reply:
As I fully suspected from reading your story, I can absolutely confirm that you have NOT received a VCH piercing. You have actually had your clitoral hood pierced to your clitoris. I have to say that your piercer was criminally incompetent.

In addition to the fact that this wasn’t what you were wanting and caused you unnecessary agony:

Your hood has been pierced to your clitoris. It is essentially pinned down. The hood should be free moving so that it can remain clean underneath. So there’s an issue of potential infection to the piercing, and, importantly, you’re not able to maintain normal hygiene in the specific area. So smegma and other secretions are likely to build up underneath your hood. Further, just the edge of your hood has been pierced, and this could result in tearing or splitting of your hood tissue.

Further, the piercing is crooked, and with the fold that you have on the left side of your hood, it looks like the tissue is “trapped” unevenly and that side pushes against the jewelry.  See images.

If I were you, I would IMMEDIATELY remove the jewelry as there is potential for damage to your clitoris from this misplaced piercing. I could cause diminished sensation, scar tissue, and other issues. I'll also mention the reminder that your hood is pinned down so the area can't be cleaned properly.

I’d advise you to go to the owner of that studio and tell them how horribly botched your piercing was and make sure that piercer does NOT perform any more piercings on that region of the body. She has absolutely NO idea what she is doing and MUST be stopped before she hurts other people. 

You really should be refunded whatever payment you made for the piercing.

I’m so sorry that your piercer was incompetent and hurt you. If you’d like to tell me her name and provide contact information, I’m willing to get in touch with her directly. 


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