I received a message from a woman inquiring about hood splitting:

I'm writing to get your opinion (and maybe some information) on clitoral hood splitting.  I currently have a vch and triangle, which I believe are both placed perfectly.  But, I'm still having problems achieving orgasm (I was hoping those would help). I think it's because my hood is rather thick and even when I'm "hard" my clitoris isn't exposed at all so it makes it difficult to actually stimulate it. I've been trying to do some research and maybe find information about hood splitting and where to get it done (I'm located in the midwest) but I can't seem to find much of anything. I was hoping that maybe you could give me some information on it.

Thank you!

I would need to do a proper consultation and see some clear, close up photos so I can evaluate your anatomy and the placement of your existing piercings. One with a view from the underside of your VCH, showing where it comes through the tissue could go a long way toward showing me whether the placement is appropriate, which is important for maximum stimulation. It is VERY common that a VCH piercing looks just fine from the front, but when the hood is lifted, it becomes clear that the piercing exits too close to the lower edge of the hood. When this is the case, less of the jewelry is in contact with the clitoris. Sometimes, depending on build and piercing placement, the jewelry doesn't touch the clitoris at all! So if you haven't "taken a peek under the hood" so to speak, you wont really know whether your VCH is optimally placed (at the apex or deepest part underneath your hood).

Piercings aside, have you tried a powerful wand style vibrator such as the Hitachi Wand? Many women find that to be the one thing that really does it for them.

And finally, I know a LOT about genital piercing, but virtually nothing about genital surgery. I would suggest you contact a plastic surgeon or gynecologist who specializes in reconstruction. Regardless of a body artist's experience, without medical training I couldn't in good conscience send you anywhere but to a doctor for that type of a procedure.


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