I just received an email from a woman in Australia and my book has had an effect on her:
Dear Elayne, I have been reading a preview of your book on google books. First, thank you for allowing the preview to be posted. From what I have read, I know I need to go and purchase the book! I am a 25 year old girl (woman?), who, after much soul searching and deliberation have decided to put my nursing degree on hold and pursue body piercing as a career. Through my research I have realised I have much to learn before I can even set foot in a piercing studio as an apprentice. I stumbled upon your book after a recommendation to visit safepiercing.org. I found your writing to be clear and concise, and explained everything in detail without rambling. By reading your book I have become more confident in my desire to become a body piercer, and you have helped me understand the link between the piercer and the piercee. I know I have lots (and lots) to learn, but I think that I may be able to follow my dream. Without ever meeting me, you have played a part in this. And for that I thank you. Leah NSW, Australia
My response: Hi Leah, Thanks so much for the positive feedback. I'm thrilled that my book has proved helpful to you. I wish you all the best. Sincerely, Elayne