I did a piercing problem consultation for a woman who had some concerns about her VCH piercing:
Hi Elayne,
I have two questions I'd appreciate your help with. I have a VCH which I got almost 2 years ago (Feb. 2010). I have been very happy with it. The bottom ball, though not always visible, rests on my clitoris. Although a few weeks after I got the piercing a bump started forming, (possibly from too vigorous sex too soon after getting piercing?) it has never been discolored and never caused me pain. I had similar bumps appear when I got my ears pierced when I was 11 and they were one of the reasons I let the holes close up. But as the bump on this piercing has never bothered me, I figured I would just leave it. Is there anything I can do about it and/or should I be concerned about it?
My second question is related to recent pain I have been experiencing. It's the first time I have ever experienced pain with this piercing. The pain feels like it is coming from the opposite side of the piercing as the bump, so I'm not sure if the two are related; especially since I've never experienced pain from the bump before.
This pain started with an itching sensation about a day and a half after some particularly vigorous/rough sex - which was this past Sat. (8/11) so the itching started Monday afternoon. By Tuesday, the piercing still itched a little, but I also began experiencing short periods of a stinging sensation. By Wednesday, the stinging was slight, not necessarily painful but uncomfortable, and was lasting for longer periods of time. I soaked the piercing that evening for in warm salt water and patted dry with a paper towel. But by Thursday, the stinging sensation was much more acute, it was ever present in an uncomfortable sense, with periods of more intense, painful stinging. Again, I soaked the piercing that night. This morning however, the stinging was constant and painful to the point where it was uncomfortable to sit and painful to walk and bend. I soaked the piercing at lunch, and again this evening.
I've been perusing your site, and came across the suggestion of Emu Oil. Is this something I should try or should I just continue with soaking it?
Any thoughts as to what the issue is and/or what else I can do to relieve the pain and heal the piercing? I've tried to give as thorough a description as possible but let me know if you need more info. Thank you so much for your help and taking the time to respond.P.S. And actually, now that I've looked at the pics I took, around the piercing looks like it is a little red and swollen, also I think the jewelry may be too short?
My reply:
I would definitely suggest trying a longer bar.
I’ve found something immeasurably superior to anything I’ve ever suggested previously for care and troubleshooting. I am advocating the use of Briotech, You can order it right from this site. I’ve done a tremendous amount of research on it, and it is absolutely incredible! The active ingredient is the same substance produced by our white blood cells to reduce inflammation, destroy pathogens, and foster healing! It is the first aftercare product that has been used for piercings that has numerous scientific studies proving its safety and effectiveness for wound healing. Further, it kills far more germs than anything else, (it has a 30-second kill time for MRSA!) and it does so without drying the skin or harming tissue. All you do is spray it on, so it is the easiest aftercare as well.
You can see photos of my own near-miraculous healing experience with it here.
Additionally, to help with drainage, minimize flare-ups, and/or facilitate healing, I do suggest mild saline soaks. I do advise rinsing after soaking--don't leave the salt water on the area. Note that a saline spray does not have the same benefits as a warm saline soak, which can help to drain excess fluids, hydrate the cells, and stimulate circulation, which fosters healing.
The bump you have on the top appears to be excess scar tissue formation. It may well have been caused by pressure on the tissue from your jewelry being too short.
You might find a NoPull Piercing Disc to be helpful, but it is very important that you get a longer bar before trying it.