This great review was recently posted on and I can tell this guy totally felt like he got his money's worth:
Inkslinger, August 2, 2009
By Joel Lopez (Brownsville, TX) This is more than what I expected. I am half way through reading it and have learned more than what I had bargained for as far as the price on this book. It was very well put together and I hope she has not left anything out of the book. Great reference book for a piercer. As a matter of fact I will recommend this book to an online friend I recently found as well as others who are interested in this field of body art.
She could have charged more for this book. Just my two cents' worth.
Thanks for the positive feedback, Joel. I appreciate it. And FYI--I didn't set the price for the book--my publisher did that. They also made me cut out about 22,000 words from the original version! But I did my best to get it all in there in the space I was allotted.