9 Mar 2009

If you have male genital piercings and wish to participate in a research study about them, go to this URL and click on the text "Survey for men who have genital piercing." My esteemed colleague, Dr. Myrna Armstrong, a professor at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, has been participating in scientific research about piercings and the people who wear them for many years. It is wonderful that these subjects are being taken more seriously by the academic and medical communities.

Dr. Armstrong completed a similar survey of women with genital piercings, and I recently reviewed the manuscript containing the findings of the study. It was very interesting indeed! It will be submitted for publication in a nursing journal.

This is the introduction to the survey from the site referenced above:

People get pierced for many reasons. The purpose of this survey is to ask about experiences with your genital piercing (s). For this study, body piercing, such as a genital piercing is defined as the insertion of sharp implements to create an opening for decorative ornaments such as jewelry. There are no anticipated risks to answering the questions. This nursing study can assist health care providers in giving advice to other people who have or are considering genital piercing. Your completion of the survey indicates your consent to participate in this study.

Note, some of these questions address some common myths about people with piercings. Please do not be offended. We are trying to obtain accurate information so these myths can be addressed. Please answer the questions honestly so we might have a good description of men with genital piercings.

If you qualify, please participate or send the information to someone who can!


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