I received a message from a piercee who had a question about his Prince Albert (male genital) piercing. Here is our exchange of correspondence:
Hi I wonder if you could help me please. I got a PA done about 6 months ago and I think that it maybe moving up rather than staying in place. I changed to a smaller diameter of ring without a ball a few months ago and it seemed to be better. Its 2.4mm thickness. I'm also conserned about the lack of tissue that seems to be holding it in. I've had bad experienced with peircing before and I'd rather not take this out! Thanks, Jon
Hi Jon,
How much tissue is there between the end of your urethra (where the jewelry rests) and the placement of the piercing? If it is too narrow, that can cause migration. And once migration starts, it can be hard to stop it.
Feel free to send photos; I'd be happy to evaluate it for you.
Thanks for getting back to me. I think theres around 1.5cm between the piercing and the urethra. But it moves quite far over if you know what i mean so its less than that sometimes. Im worried about having sex with it in incase it comes through. I'll try and send some photos.
Yes, please send a photo or two. That doesn't sound like very much tissue. Does it seem that there is less and less tissue between the piercing and the edge of your urethra, or does it seem stable?
Please excuse the poor quality photos!
The first picture is what im mainly worried about as it does seem to be able to move over what seems to be very far. It does not normally rest there but it does move over. I dont get any pain or discomfort anymore from it with the smaller beadless ring either. Im worried that it might be getting pushed out.
Thanks for your help.
Do you know what material your ring is made from? The photos make it a "funny" color that doesn't look like any of the usual body jewelry materials.
When you say the ring moves over very far, do you mean within your urethra? If so, that is perfectly normal. Though because the opening to your urethra appears fairly low at the tip of your penis, I'd have "cheated" the jewelry a little further down the shaft to put a little more tissue between the piercing and the edge of the urethra.
The gauge looks a little thinner than average to me. You may find it more comfortable with a little thicker ring.
I'd keep an eye on it, and if it doesn't appear that the hole where the piercing was made is changing or getting closer to the tip of your penis, then you should be fine.