I received this message from a piercer on the East Coast:
Thanks for all your great articles. I always skip right to your article first thing when I get a new pain magazine. I bought the Piercing Bible last year for curiosity and I must say, I was surprised at how well written and how much content it had. Can't say I agree with everything but I respect you for your work in this industry and appreciate the information you put out there. We had to fight over your book in the shop when we first got it. When we come across questions between ourselves as piercers we use your book to get your opinion. Thanks. K.
My response:
Thanks for your message and for your feedback. I know there will be an update to The Piercing Bible eventually, and I'm interested in hearing about what other piercers disagree with. If you'd care to share an of your thoughts on this, I'd take your input into consideration during my rewrite.
And that goes for any of you readers too. I am interested in the feedback of other professionals, so don't hesitate to contact me with your perspectives. It could result in a change in the first revised edition of The Piercing Bible.