I just finished reading your article in Pain Mag this month not ten minutes ago. :) and before you are bombarded with comments and questions, let me just tell you how much I value your opinion, your ethics, and your procedures for piercing. I'm sure you hear this often, but YOU are a big reason I became a piercer. Thank you so much for being such a big part of this industry and being so open with your advice.
And are you going to be in Arizona anytime soon? I want my triangle done, but I do not trust anyone else to do it... even my fellow local piercers. ^_^
My reply:
Thanks so much for the positive feedback; I'm thrilled to hear that you find my information helpful.
I would be delighted to pierce you but I'm not entirely certain what my upcoming travel plans will be. If you would like to be notified when I make travel plans, please sign up for my newsletter in the box on the left lower portion of the page: http://piercingbible.com It is an "opt-in" list, so I can't add you mysef.
Feel free to send me some clear, close-up photos so I can give you an online consult to determine if you're anatomically suited to a triangle. Information on this page of my website: http://piercingbible.com/female-genital-piercings#Photos
explains the images I'll need to see.
If you would like to watch me performing piercings, you can see videos of me piercing at
http://clips4sale.com/10557 They aren't "how-to" videos, per se, but you can see exactly how and where I place piercings, and how I do them.
Thanks for writing. Let me know if you have any questions.
Elayne Angel, Author
The Piercing Bible--The Definitive Guide to Safe Body Piercing
Medical Liaison, Association of Professional Piercers