23 Nov 2012

I got a question from an aspiring piercer:

I really love all that you do for the piercing industry. And with that being said i am just starting out in the piercing industry. I've just recieved my piercing license. And was wanting to know where you get your tools and piercing supplies from. And if you would know of anyone in the Lincoln or Omaha Nebraska area who you would recommend to try to get an apprenticeship with.
Thank You,

HI M.,

Thanks for your message and your kind words.

I'm curious about what is involved in getting a license in Nebraska and how you can have one without already having had an apprenticeship? That seems backwards to me. Normally you must be trained before you can become a piercer (have a license to pierce).

In all honesty, if you haven't had an apprenticeship yet, then you shouldn't be buying tools. That's because the specific tools you'll be using are the ones that your mentor uses--the ones you will be trained to use. Individual preferences for tools and styles of piercing vary from piercer to piercer. In essence, if you don't have someone to show you how to use the tools, then you shouldn't be using them.

If you haven't already done so, I would absolutely recommend that you read my book as your next step. It isn't a "how to pierce" book per se, but every page will have useful and helpful information, and everything in there is something you will ultimately need to know. There's also a chapter entitled "A Career in Professional Piercing" and that has lots of crucial information for you too. I can say I'd be surprised if you didn't think it was the best $20. you ever spent toward learning about body piercing.

I can think of a few other resources that might be useful for you:

• If you'd like to see me performing piercings, and demonstrating exactly where they should be placed, I've got videos available here. (They're not "how-to" videos, per se, but they do show a lot of technique and I explain everything I do as I'm doing it).
• Columns I've written for Pain Magazine, a body art industry trade publication (answering piercing questions from piercers) are here. The hard-copy paper magazine is available for free to the trade. You can contact them through the site for a subscription.
• I teach annually at the Association of Professional Piercers conferences. You don't need to be a member to attend. It is a truly amazing event and it is wonderful to network with other piercers, and there is always more to learn.
• My blog contains hundreds of informative posts about piercings.
• The Association of Professional Piercers (APP) website and FAQ contains all kinds of good information.
• Their Apprenticeship Guidelines and Curriculum is FREE, and could help you evaluate if you're receiving an adequate and appropriate education.
• The APP procedure manual is highly informative and should be required reading for all piercers and apprentices.
• The APP brochures all contain good-to-know info as well.
• Current and back issues of The Point, the APP's quarterly journal are all available for free download. And the podcasts are free too.
• A good resource for learning about human anatomy is: The Human Body Book

Human Body Book Cover
I wish you the best of luck on your journey.


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