This one is on the border between personal and business, but I was so touched by it, I've decided to share it on my blog. It is from one of my best friends, who is a writer. She sent it to me after I told her about my successful piercing visits to Atlanta and Philadelphia:
Wow - you are soooo successful! You have really carved out a niche for yourself - and not only that, but you have positioned yourself as the leading expert and authority. That's really an accomplishment very few people can claim. To be a genuine forerunner for a whole it an industry, technology, product, trend - or body piercing. You know something...I have interviewed literally thousands of people over the course of my career (I think I told you I figured out that I have interviewed roughly 4,000 people over 20-plus years). And since it was an interview, not a social meeting, we spoke ONLY about them, I didn't exist except to illicit information in a way that got them to open up...
So the point is - I have heard literally thousands of stories about people's lives, passions, careers, aspirations, disappointments, get the idea. Given this, I really have met very very few with the clearly focused, committed, non-wavering, defined direction that you possess. I mean...I did meet and speak with many many people very dedicated to whatever it was they were doing. But they were not swimming against the tide of conventionality to do it. They didn't meet resistance from family or society....
So, not only it is remarkable what you are doing, but also what you are doing in the face of (I'm assuming, at least initially) great opposition all around you - and be totally unshaken by the resistance, so sure of your beliefs and your dream - that is absolutely remarkable. I just wanted to let you know I see this in you, I value it, I am impressed by it. I think you are a totally extraordinary individual. And even given your success, you are still so know what I mean? So level-headed, sensible, realistic, compassionate and possessing great integrity. Ok, I'll stop now, so your head can fit through the doorway (hehe).
Wow, I'm blushing! It is wonderful to have a friend who sees me that way and who appreciates me. I'm an incredibly fortunate woman to have a career I'm passionate about, and people around me who love me for who I am.