I spent a fantastic day yesterday piercing at Anomaly Body Piercing in Pasadena, CA. It was a blast, and everyone was really great. My first appointment of the day (and the first piercing I performed in several months!) was a 10 gauge ampallang. It went very smoothly, and this is an email I just received from the piercee:
Elayne, I just wanted to let you know how excited I was to have you do my ampallang yesterday. I have got so much out of your book as well as getting a feel for the person you are, someone quite intelligent, passionate and dedicated to her craft.
Upon meeting you it's easy to see that you are all of that and a lot more. I love the piercing, I think it looks totally 'hot'. I haven't been able to stop looking at it!! And your placement was 'exactly' where I wanted it. It has been bleeding just a bit but otherwise it feels fine. I could not believe that it didn't hurt nearly as bad as what I was anticipating, but I can imagine that having this piercing done with someone not as skilled could indeed make it much more traumatic.
Thank you again!!!! Mike