3 Jul 2009
Book Review: The Piercing Bible | Tribalectic. by John Lopez I've been most nervous about the reviews of The Piercing Bible that are done by piercers. We tend to be opinionated individuals, and we don't always see eye to eye. So when I saw that piercer John Lopez had reviewed my book, I was a little nervous to see what he had to say. Turns out that he has plenty of positive perspectives on The Piercing Bible!
By John Lopez
Created 06/02/2009 - 15:27
When Drew sent me this book and asked me to write a review I agreed, but I had a lot of doubts and I wasn’t expecting much. I was pretty sure the book would be soft and late and possibly dangerous. I’m happy to say I was wrong. The first 80 pages are the best, in my opinion. Elayne does a really good job describing the risks, dispelling myths, presenting body piercings’ history and generally preparing customers for the shop experience. Doctors, nurses, school administrators and teachers, health inspectors and especially parents will all benefit from reading this part of the book. There are also over 30 pages dedicated to Aftercare, Healing, and Troubleshooting issues! Many will find this section of the book to be the most valuable. It’s certainly filled with good information and is presented clearly. Of course, Elayne also gets into actual piercing procedures to some extent. Not enough to be a “how to” book, but enough to give a good idea of what to expect when getting pierced. The information presented is accurate and realistic and easy to follow. I have a few minor issues with some of the things in the book, but they’re really not important enough to get into. The fact is, The Piercing Bible is a really good book. It’s the sort of book Piercers, customers and parents have been anticipating for decades. I’m convinced that readers will be influenced in positive ways. Elayne delivered.