1 Jan 2011

I received this wonderful message from someone in New Zealand who found The Piercing Bible website:

I really can't describe how good it feels to have found your website. I've
been interested in body modification for a few years now and though I have
only a few piercings, it's people like you who inspire me to treat my body as
a work of art. It makes me proud to have such a strong woman like yourself
representing the body mod community in such positive light.

Thank you so much for giving me such a positive role model. You give me
strength to remember who I am and not let society tell me what is and isn't
acceptable and normal. Perhaps one day you'll come to New Zealand and I'll
get the opportunity to be pierced by you.

Stay gorgeous, gorgeous.

Maybe some day I will come to New Zealand. I have some friends/colleagues at Streetwise Body Piercing and Tattooing in Auckland. I hope to visit and maybe do some piercings! If you want to stay up to date with my travels, sign up for my free newsletter (in the box at the bottom of the page).


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